Quick access to the list of businesses
Through the TerminalGR website, you have quick access to multiple categories of businesses in your neighborhood, nearby cities, other countries and worldwide.
If you are looking for a hotel or a restaurant, if you need to order some services or your car needs a fix, you can find it in the business directory. It's easy, on our website you will quickly find business cards anywhere in the world, and also you will learn details about the services provided by their and current offers.
Search by category and location
Using the search engine, you can narrow your search to find a business or service close by regardless of your location - by your residence, workplace or while you're on vacation.
Find exactly what you are looking for. Don't waste time calling people who can't help you! Specify your exact needs and find someone who will assist you. Being in a foreign country, you can also select your language, then display business cards of the companies or people who speak your language.
News about business in your area
Whenever a new restaurant, grocery store, or service will open in your area, we will immediately inform you and add that company to your list of subscriptions.
If you want to be up to date on which companies will be opening nearby, we will make it easy for you. Through us you will find businesses, partners or customers quickly - just subscribe to a category in your area, and we will inform you about any new companies that join the business directory in that category.
Add business card to favorites
Add business cards to your favorites and create your own database of your customers and business partners. Store all your contacts in one place and share them with your friends at any time.
Scan your own business cards or others from the catalog and add them to your favorites. By adding a business card to favorites, you create own collection of businesses, customers or partners, with access from anywhere in the world. This way you will never lose important contacts - they're all in one place. In addition, you can share chosen business cards easily and quickly with your friends and family.
Free advertising of your business
Add your business card to the Business Directory, and become more visible. It's easy, sign up or login to the website, and fill out the form to add a new BCI.
Scan your business card and upload the file. After few seconds, your business card will appear in the business directory. You can also send us your business card by mail, and for a small fee, our graphics designers will do everything for you by scanning your card and adding it to the business directory.
Business at multiple categories
Add your company or services to multiple categories to reach more customers. See how many people are interested in your business or services, and who added your business card to favorites.
By adding your business card to clearly defined categories, you can quickly reach a specific customer base, so the searching customer will reach you faster and easier. Separate your offers and services into categories to let the customer choose the service most appropriate to their needs. This way you will save your money on expensive advertisements to reach customers, and save customer's time when searching for your company.
Custom business category
Niche market? No problem. Add your own category to the business directory. Increase your business and grow the market to potential customers.
Even if your specialization has no competition, make your name be heard. Simply add another category to the vast assortment of businesses. Let customers know about the unique services you offer and dominate the market.
Better visibility on the Internet
Watch customer increase and gain the better reputation by listing your business with us!
Regardless of the search engine, TerminalGR uses techniques of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to ensure your popularity grows. Don't miss out on increased business opportunities thanks to increased visibility.
Add your business card
Business Cards Directory
- The customer can ask our agent about the availability of your services or products. Our agent will contact you or arrange a meeting with a new customer and will send a chat transcript to you and the customer free of charge.
- Excellent promotion in social media and everywhere. A free tool for creating contests on the business card website, fund the prize and get likes, traffic to your website and become popular on the internet.
- Featutes: Unlimited Giveaways, Time Controls, Multiple Prizes, Polls and Survey, Mandatory Actions, Repeat Contest, Submit Image, Refer a Friend - Viral, Social Logins, Giveaway Landing Page, Email lists, Winner List, Contest Schedules, Actions: Visit us on Facebook, Likes, Follow us on Twitter, Visit us on Instagram, Follow us on Pinterest, Visit us on Twitter Youtube Chanel, Join an email newsletter, Refer a friend - viral, View Facebook post / video, View Instagram post / video, Watch a video, Automatic entry, Tweet a message, Visit a page, Add our Business Card to Favorites, Write Google Review, Answer a questions, Polls and surveys, Invent, and more..
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