


  • Why in the business card web page, the address is different than the address of the company?

    If the address is different than the address of the company, it means that business card has been added to the business directory in a promotion, entered address indicates the location operated by our agent. If you own the business card, you can claim it to change the data on the business card web page.

  • How can I add my business card to TerminalGR?

    You can add your business card by yourself if you have a digital copy of your business card or one of our Agents will come and will be more than happy to fill out the necessary information and add your business card to TerminalGR with no pay.

  • What requirements should meet the business card in order to be displayed in the TGR business directory and at the banner at the top of the homepage?

    The business card has to be of high quality and has to meet the criteria described at web page: Business Card Requirements

  • Why should I add my business to TerminalGR?

    Your business will be one of the first ones that will pop out on Internet, social media, and worldwide while someone is searching for a specific need that they are in.

  • Why does my business need a digital business card?

    Without a digital business card, your company will have limited customers since you will not be shown on the Internet or on social media.

  • Can I remove my business card from TerminalGR?
    If the business card has been added to the TerminalGR by you, then you can deactivate the business card yourself. Log in to your account, go to the BCI bookmark, click "Active" and then go to "Edit" business cards and click "Save" Your business card will be deactivated and moved to the list of edited business cards, will not be visible in the TerminalGR directory. If your business card has been added to TerminalGR by your client or anonymously, then in order to deactivate the business card it must first be verified. Go to the website "Claim a Business Card" and send the form, there is a fee for verification of the business card.
  • Is there a fee for removing a business card from TerminalGR?

    No, there is no charge.

  • Why my business card is on TerminalGR website if I did not put it there?

    Every user of TerminalGR who has your business card can insert it on the website.

  • Can a business card be added on TerminalGR without my knowledge?

    Yes, a business card is there to inform customers about your services or existence of your business.

  • Can someone else remove my business card from TerminalGR?

    No, because a person from our support will contact you by phone to verify the action.



  • What are the categories?

    Categories is a unique way a customer or a business can find what exactly they are looking for. If your business specializes in more than one thing you can choose more categories for the business to be seen in more than one spot.

  • How can more categories benefit my businesses?

    It will bring in more customers, your business will show in more than one category while a customer is searching for it and it will be shown in more than one spot.



  • What is TerminalGR?

    TerminalGR is a database which helps companies to make their information about a business more noticeable on the Internet.

  • How can TerminalGR benefit my business?

    It will bring more potential customers and other businesses. Your business will be more noticeable while someone is searching for it or the category in which you are, also your business information will be displayed at the top of TerminalGR website.