Custom Business Category
Custom business category
Competition on the market leads to reinventing or creating completely new services that nobody thought about before, this process expands possibilities for you and your clients. But how are they supposed to know and buy your product if you are the only one selling it? Thanks to TerminalGR website you can use custom business category to gain new customers and skyrocket your sales.
Introducing new services
Niche market? No problem. Add your own category to the business directory. Increase your business and grow the market to potential customers.
Even if your specialization has no competition, make your name be heard. Simply add another category to the vast assortment of businesses. Being the only the only one on the market gives you pul-position, but to gain customers you must be seen first, let customers know about the special services you offer and dominate the market with TerminalGR unique categories. There is no better way to become visible on the radar than appearing online in many categories, this also helps with your SEO ranking which means your service will appear higher in google results and will be easier to find. To fully understand this mechanism see our example below.
Benefits of unique categories
Let’s take a brief look at how you and your customers can benefit from TGR custom categories. If you ever looked for insurance policies you know how hard is to find the right company that will have all the options you need. Many clients may be simply turned off after searching for hours and let some middleman do the work (which means that only companies he works with will benefit from his affiliation). There are thousands of insurance companies offering:
- car insurance
- home insurance
- life insurance
- company insurance
You can’t write every type of insurance that your company offers on a small business card, this makes searching for special policies harder and takes more time. That’s where unique categories make a complete difference when looking for specific service. What if your company offers a rare type of exclusive boat insurance or complex policies on life (you’ll never know what happens right?) Customer looking for exact kind of insurance will find your offer faster if you create a special category for it. To name a few:
- Water line coverage
- Flood insurance
- Body parts insurance
- Anything new you came up with? Simply add your own category
Instead of endless calls to companies and asking does insurance cover X, the customer can choose your special category and get to you faster and with less effort.
Being visible in many categories will give you chance to appear on the TerminalGR website and google results more, using the insurance example above: your business card will appear in the main category, then you can choose “Insurance agent” or “Insurance broker” and appear on two or three lists simultaneously.
Of course, it is only one of many possibilities, no matter what you sell you will always find a way to promote it with TGR website.